Not really sure if this would be a just needs some TLC or not 😕
No but, seriously this Is this the ultimate Craigslist Willys Find 😛 I think this thing is waiting for a tow to the scrap yard when the price of Heavy Scrap is up again!
Not to good a Willys
I heard something a few days ago about a Jeep or a Willys that was found I do believe on Craigslist that was supposed to be something:? I kind of ignored it as we had just picked up a 1967 Malibu Convertible and that was the latest thing to worry about. Then I walked into the back lot and saw this on the trailer 😯
I then decided to snap some pictures of it to see if it was as bad as it seemed 😕 Well I will let the pictures do most of the talking at this point in time. Don’t get me wrong as I love Jeeps as a few years ago I sold my Kaiser/Jeep M725 but, that was a completely different animal compared to this Jeep.
Whats with the Radio location?
So it has a Philco radio mounted on the drivers side where you would normally have the drivers gauges?
Passenger side no better
Unfortunately you can’t see through the grille as the engine is missing the cylinder head and looks as if it has been off of the engine for years 🙁
Willys front view
Unsure of the availability of parts for these Willys Commanders as I have never owned one or had to search for parts for one. I would think with how popular they were at one point in time that it shouldn’t be all that hard to find parts. It is a Willys after all right 😕