Jeep FC M-677

Dream Jeep for most collectors

Willys Jeep FC M Series

While this Jeep FC M-677 is quite interesting, it is also quite rare! It was built for the Military and is also unknown if there is between 400 or 700 of these units originally built 😕


Upon trying to find out more information on these units it was also quoted on one sight that there are only 70 or maybe less of them left now.


While I had seen one of the Civilian F150 models at a “Harry’s You Pull It” decades ago and it had been modified with a Small Block Chevy in it. Wish I had the money back then to have saved it. Well it was quite rotted and that is most likely the reason it wound up there, so I don’t know how long I would have had it at that point in time anyway 🙁

FC Ambulance
FC Ambulance
Now today I would love to find one of the M-677’s to fix up and restore. The Diesel was a 3 cyl 170cid Cerlist 85hp 2 cycle diesel engine typicaly, but some were equipped with the 105hp gasoline Continental 226cid 6 cyl L-head “Super Hurricane”. So put that in your memory banks if you ever are able to actually find one that is original 🙂
FC Civilian Camper
FC Civilian Camper
Aside from trying to find an original FC on it’s own that has not been molested in anyway shape or form, trying to find a M-677 untouched isn’t easy. Or even harder trying to find the ambulance version will be even more fun. Who knows what the total units made of these were. I had a much higher produced M-725 Kiaser-Jeep ambulance that had had a Chevrolet LT1 swapped into it and EBAY was about my only place to get parts for it.
FC Postcar
FC Postcar
So the M-677 will leave you searching for parts if you are not a fabricator or have a decent mechanic in your back pocket to rely on 🙁
FC 170 I would want
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