100 – Power and Speed – Travis Ray Drag Week competitor
Mike, Tom, and Tad in studio.
None of us even noticed, but show number 100. Crazy stuff. Thanks to the fans for sticking with us. We may tool on them from time to time, but we really do appreciate all the listeners.

Project SubiTard is getting close. Tad has his new engine ready to go from IAG. The parts, car, and everything is finally set. He has a few items to get to this finished up, but he will be on the road soon. It will still look like crap, but it will be a pretty stout street car.
Drag Week has taken over our thoughts and daily conversations. Trust us, we are not trying to wear this subject out, but there is so much here to talk about. The best thing about this whole event is the people. We have had on and met some great car guys from all over the country and this week is no exception.
Travis Ray joins the show to talk about his Drag Week experiences. This particular guest worked out to be not only a cool story but, educational for Mike and Tom. Travis is a Corvette C5 owner and can recount the numerous pitfalls of the Corvette platform. Travis has competed in the Drag Week event since 2013 and had not had good luck until 2016. Everything from stub axels to electrical problems kept him from finishing, but 2016 ended all of that. Travis finished the week and averaged a 9.29 with a true to life street drivable C5 Corvette. It was a pleasure to drive and needed nothing but tire changes to complete the week. Listen to this one, it’s a good story of the road taken to complete Drag Week from another great car guy.
Live again next week Monday night at 7:00 PM EST on Mixlr.com. Call in number 908 751 0211. Live callers welcome, and this will be the line for giveaways.
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