1974 Pantera DeTomaso Barn Trailer Find
1974 Pantera DeTomaso Barn Trailer Find
Now this is what I call a 1974 Pantera DeTomaso Barn Trailer Find even though it’s not coming out of a Barn but, no matter where you get a 1974 Pantera DeTomaso Barn Trailer Find from it’s a find worth getting period 🙂

This one seems to have been stuck back into this trailer shell for 25 years for who knows what reason? It sounds like the woman is a bit knowledgeable about the car being back there as she is saying there is no battery in it and she doesn’t know where it is.
Maybe her husband hid it away years ago and possibly passed away or something to that ordeal. When it was put away it seems the owner tried to protect it with a cover even though it was stored in a trailer truck container. So it looked like a breathable cover at least. However, when they finally opened the door the amount of cobwebs in the interior was quite shocking 😯 I wouldn’t think you would get quite that many in an enclosed car covered in the container.
Then sitting for 25 years in what could have been a humid sauna box I was also kinda shocked that it was able to roll out 😕 Not sure off hand if a Pantera used Mineral Spirits as brake fluid like the old Lamborghini’s did I think? I’ve seen older Italian cars pulled out of storage like this with the brakes being all sorts of screwed up for some reason as the Mineral Spirits had some problem with sitting for extremely long periods.
Other than that it looked to be in excellent shape otherwise. Rims looked excellent cause they are probably Magnesium so they would corrode if you just look at them funny. Then you get to see the inflatable space-saver spare. Reminds me of a Cadillac we just got with low miles at my dealership. I would hate to think about blowing up your spare like a balloon and then driving on it 🙄
Unfortunately, we never got to hear them try to start up the 351 Cleveland that should be powering it. I used to see a few of these around me on occasion but, they all seem to have disappeared now making a find like this a bit more rare 🙂