4 Door 429 4WD Thunderbird

While not the rarest of Thunderbirds while looking through the trunk something was found 😕

4 Door 429 4WD Thunderbird Yes you read it right, for some reason this rather large 4 door Thunderbird has what looks like a transfer case shifter in the trunk :O

Big Block
Big Air Filter

Here is the lowdown on this rather roug T-Bird that was sitting outside under a tree for quite some time. It was parked in an apartment side yard awaiting to get some body work done to it. However the body guy’s back went out or something to that extent so the car was left to sit.

Sit it did all winter too, then it wound up with a bunch of branches sitting on it for some reason? Finally a decision was made and it had to move off the property. So we came to do a long distance tow and remove the car from where it had been sitting oh so long 🙄

Better than FE
Big Block
When we got it back to the shop later that day we started an investigation to see if there was anything worth saving from it? It has a 429 Thunderjet 4 barrel engine that looks like it might actually start up. However, there were no keys or title at this point in time so we had to go threw a coffee can full of Ford Keys until we found ones that fit.
We then opened the trunk hoping to find some paperwork or hopefully the title. No such luck but, I did find what looks to be a transfer case shifter for some reason? Of course, if that was in the trunk I am led to believe that this must be an ultra rare 4×4 optioned Thunderbird :O

Not Lincoln
Cool Doors

Yeah, that’s right since you heard it on the internet then it must be true! A 4 Door 429 4WD Thunderbird!

So who is looking for a Suicide Door Mud Bogger 😕

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