71 Volkswagen Beetle with 930 VW kit
I swear I have seen this before?
On Craigslist that I think I have seen before is a 71 Volkswagen Beetle with 930 V kit yet again. If I had the room right now I would sweep this up and put it aside for later to finish.

As I posted above I am almost positive I have seen this Kit VW Beetle here on Craigslist before?

So aside from this seeming to be a steal at this price to me? Yeah, cause a decent VW Beetle at this price is super cheap. Especially as it claims it is a running vehicle to boot.

So think about the price ($1500) that it is claiming for a running Volkswagen Beetle. Then it is stating a ($1800) price with the body kit? So the seller is only asking $300 dollars for a 930 Volkswagen kit?
OK yeah, most people these days do not know the old VW Kit car fad of the 70’s and 80’s when you could buy these cars for $100 just to get them out of someone’s driveway or back yard. Well, those days are long gone and people are paying a pretty penny for even rusty VW’s these days. Hence the price of $1500 for a running VW should be a tip-off that this may be a scam fishing for Email addresses?
Then the $300 for a 930 kit that has never been fully installed is just plain cheap if you ask me 🙁
The car has also been on Craigslist for a week or 2 now without beeing sold. Another hint that it is up for Email harvesting or something to that extent. Heck at this point I have to wonder who is paying how much for Emails to make it worth putting up fake ads?
On the other hand, if this is a real deal car that is for sale this cheap then the owner/seller can contact me and I will come pick this car up!
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