7th Annual Waynes Auto Body (Speed Shop) Toys For Tots Car Show

First time and was great Show

The 7th Annual Waynes Auto Body (Speed Shop) Toys For Tots Car Show was my first time at this event. Since it was closer to NYC I got to see quite a few new cars then I normally see it my usual events.

Great Car Show

First video has one of the first cars I encounter being a V8 SBC Volkswagen Beetle Convertible! Then the more usual cars you would see at an event such as this.

The second video above we have a NAPCO 4×4 Chevy that I would keep as is just like it is seen here. Then Mopars, a Camaro next to a Built not Bought GTO and an even rarer Ford Falcon that is just like the Interceptor from Road Warrior fame!

This 3rd video has an Auburn Supercharged Coupe that I was having a hard time trying to figure out if it was the real thing? Hard to tell at a show like this as some of the cars here are big money cars. Heck the few 427 Fords including the Ford Thunderbolt if real are Museum pieces!

I’m not a Ford fanboy in anyway shape or form as they are pretty horrible cars when you have to work on them and get the correct parts to match whatever FE engine is powering the vehicle.

This last video is everybody firing up their vehicles to leave the very short event. It is nice of the town to block off the roads to allow this show to happen too. Now you get to hear what a lot of these cars that are driven on the roads sound like. Of course, the Zoomie equipped 32 Ford extended cab truck that is for sale was not driven to the event. However, it does come with a 20 foot enclosed trailer to transport it if you do buy it so that is a big plus!
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