More Abandoned Classics and trucks
More Abandoned Classics and trucks
Yet More Abandoned Classics and trucks, school buses plus more. Lots of classic cars rotting away and returning to earth because nobody thought they would ever be worth anything 🙁

In a way I almost want to laugh as I have been to many yards and personal collections that looked like a lot of these pictures. So plenty of Hudsons and Kaisers that looked so cool however never thought to try to get them. Always thought those things will always be around like the Edsels you see parked behind shops or in junkyards all the time. Heck I even remember a junkyard Kobers not to far from me that had a huge Safari like Edsel wagon that was super solid and was just missing an engine.
Would have made an awesome rat rod these days but, back in the late 80’s things like that weren’t thought about. Even an old International Harvester 3 door crew cab that was so killer looking but, when I was going to go back the junkyard was closed 😯
It was a ver large junkyard covering 3 counties too, so it was full of everything you could want. Even hard tire Mack Truck in the back woods section. Plenty of Nash’s, Mercury’s and even the old Cadillacs with flathead engines that had the exhaust ports coming out of the top of the engine 🙂
Of course, I would just walk by the Bullet nose Studebakers and the bunches of 40′ and late 30’s cars just rusting into the ground. Even 57′ Chevy’s that were so beat up that no one wanted them 😕 I even got a 1965 Impala and needed a cross member for it. Went to Kobers and found one under a 4 door ’65. Went up front and got one of the yard guys to come down with one of the yard trucks to help get it out. Of course, this ’65 was on top of another car, so we took some bumper jacks and lifted the Impala up by putting them into the back window corners of the Mopar it was on top of. We got the cross member out and somehow didn’t break the window of the Mopar under it 😯
Now it’s good luck trying to find stuff like this anymore 🙁
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