Abandoned Impala or oh wait Huh?

So this Impala just sits unused and untouched until today 😕

This car always looks like an abandoned Impala in a side yard and seems to be destined to be on a trailer to the scrap yard the next time scrap price goes up. Oh wait a minute what happening to it?

Stroker Engine
Sleeper or Scrap?

Well from what I do know about this car, well it is an odd creation. The owner keeps it but, never seems to drive it. It just sits in the lot until he feels the need to drive it around the block every once in a while.
It is powered by a 383 stroker small block Chevy engine out of a dirt track car. It has high compression the owner claims so he has to run Aviation Gas in it. Well OK for the most part? If thats what floats your boat then OK I guess?

It is running an 850 CFM Double Pumper Holley also from what I was told. Not really needed considering that the car is not on a race track nor will it be in the near future.
Now you would think by the sounds of the exhaust leaks and stuff that it would have headers on it. Well no such luck in this case as it has a set of Rams Horn manifolds on it. Yet it still has exhaust leaks for some reason 😕
My friend even installed a manual choke cable on the car for the owner of the car. Not sure if he knows how to use it by the sounds of the cold sneezes the car keeps on doing? Then you see how much rust is on this car again making you think it is destined for the scrap yard any day now.

However, when he returns from going around the block he then backs it back into it’s spot and then proceeds to Wax the engine hood 😯

So is this a car worth anybody’s time anymore 😕

Impala still daily driven
Impala still daily driven
Update on this cars driving status. Seems after he left his work and not being able to fully understand the manual choke we had installed for him he stalled the car out at a light. When the Police came to the staled car he told the officer it’s flooded so he dare not try to start it up. Officer wants to see his DL and Reg so the guy go’s for the trunk which alerts the Officer to be aware this guy may have a weapon or something?
Nope he doesn’t carry anything on him, he keeps it in the trunk as he has no need for it in his mindset 😕

Officer tells him he is going to call a tow company to have car removed. Guy tells Cop no I just need to call my friend to come tow it (us). He calls us and we tell him we are not for Hire. We are not sure but, he must have got it started cause it made it home and has not moved since 😯

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