Abandoned Single Cab Bus
Lean too find?
While not officially a Barn Find I would think this Abandoned Single Cab Bus is about close enough as it would seem to be on some kind of farm property 😕
Now we can get into what was found in the first place. A Single Cab Volkswagen Bus Type 2 model that is sitting on what looks like a farm or something to that extent? Now onto the Vlogers find as it seems to be quite hammered.

So my brother had a single cab Bus decades ago that he had to get rid of because it had too much rust for him. That and he was a Volkswagen restoration guy too 😯 However his Single Cab Bus was way better looking that this Bus that’s for sure. I have to wonder how many years this Single Cab has been sitting under this canopy? I mean with only a vent window open the amount of things that must have lived in the interior is ridiculous. I have had cars sitting out by my house and it seemed to get one Bee’s nest a year or so. This thing has so many in the cab that it ain’t even funny!

Then you have whatever kind of spider made that web hanging off the dashboard that is huge. So the interior of this thing or I should say Bus and a Thing is a completely different VW model. Anyway, the interior that is simple in the first place seems like it is going to need a ton of attention. Then you look at the front and see it’s missing the headlights, something that you could just pick up out of someone’s garage years ago. However, now good luck getting a set of old Volkswagen headlights as they are demanding a good price these days. Along with having to get the bed sides, good luck with that. So I don’t know how nice a find this Single Cab actually is 😕
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