BARN FIND 3 Sheds ALL original cars FOR SALE

BARN FIND 3 Sheds ALL original cars..FOR SALE

Letter car
Letter car

Yet another set of BARN FIND 3 Sheds ALL original cars FOR SALE with a rather large variety of cars. Anything from Imports to larger American convertible cars and they are all for sale 🙂

As it starts out going into the first barn we see a VW and then some other German car called a DAFF? Then a shot of A WILLYS plus a Convertible Cadillac.

Caddy Convertible
Caddy Convertible

Then a suicide door Plymouth old school sedan.
Then what you would think to be a Pinto turns out to be a Mercury Bobcat. Talk about an old school economy car survivor right 🙄 Then a Studebaker and some other unknown cars of different types. On to a Corvair convertible as the guy seemed to have a few Corvairs around the collection.

The announcer then go’s by what he thought was a bunch of Muscle Car engines but, there was nothing that I could recognize as being anything worth while 😕 Then passes an old school Rambler and a Cadillac drop top in a kind of California slang. More Cadillac drop tops and some form of Bus that is into dark a spot to really tell what it is. Then a car with a front end on both side but, still being in a dark spot so you can’t really tell what it is? Then some Pick Up trucks along with a few Honda motorcycles that are hard to tell what they are?

Honda in Collection
Honda in Collection
Then a later model SAAB and a Crew Cab Volkswagen Bus next to a later model car that looks to be a Toyota Celica so they were collecting anything it would seem? A Pontiac Sunbird LE which is not a car that most people would really care to save. Then a later Buick and some VW Beetles with one being a convertible. More Caddy convertibles an Oldsmobile Cutlass and yet they don’t list anyplace so you can contact them to buy anything 🙁

Doesn’t matter as it was dated 2013 so everything is gone by now anyway…

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