Barn Find 72 Pontiac Grand Prix

This could be a fun carCool Nose

Solid body
Good Quarter
Grand Prix
Cool Nose

It is a 455 car too according to the Craigslist Add! So even thought it has been sitting so long I am doubting that the engine has locked up seeing as it is in Texas.

Dusty GP
Needs a Bath
Old School
High Back Buckets

Again being a Texas car it should have a real solid body. A big plus as I am so used to New Jersey rust from the salted winter roads around here. That and seeing as it claims to be low miles it would seem to be a native Texas car.

Minimal info
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The pick of the Craigslist add about pretty much tells the limited info about this Grand Prix. Price seems about right as long at the engine does turn over. Just a we bit to far for me seeing as I am East Coast and the car really doesn’t warrant me either driving that far to look at it. Or paying to have it towed that far to get it home to New Jersey.
If it was a GTO then things would be a wee bit different as the price point would be well worth a flip after cleaning the car up. Not talking restore it either cause what most do not realize is a car is only original ONCE!
As soon as you frame off it can never be original again. Sure some cars need a complete frame off because they either rusted away or are worn out from being driven for 100’s of 1000’s of miles. However, it is not a GTO or a Cobra or a Uber rare Hemi anything so it should be left as original as possible. Be that much easier on the wallet anyway.
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