Buried Single Cab out in a field
Buried Single Cab out in a field
So the main question would be how does an old Volkswagen Buried Single Cab out in a field get under 3 feet of dirt? I mean really cause it doesn’t look like a flood plane or anything 😕
Seriously though how being a Volkswagen Bus that doesn’t weigh all that much in the first place wind up a couple feet in the ground. The rescuer found this Type 2 wrote that he was out on a Sunday drive in his Syncro and he spotted this Single Cab out in the foothills of Idaho Falls.

Basically this is 9 hours of digging with a Track Hoe in condensed form so you don’t have to suffer through it all just to see this removed from where it sat. Actually where it has sat since 1967 so well over 45 years of sitting or actually sinking as it seems 😕
Being buried under 2 feet of dirt for all these years it is considerably rust free. So it really makes you wonder just what made it sink that deep into the dirt or light soil as the case my be? You can see for yourself the soil is not very heavy and the drop-down said gates that haven’t been upright for over 45 years are not even rotted 😯 After it was dug up the gates flipped up and were able to be secured.
Rather nice after sitting all those years that it will be reasonably easy to restore this bodywork wise. Not a ton of searching for new or decent sheet metal to bring it back to life. Yeah, the trans my need a bit of going over with the dirt having been all in the bell housing section of it. That and the front suspension being so packed in the dirt for 45 years must have taken a toll on all the seals and bushings along with the brake lines. Then again anything this old should just have all the brake lines rubber or solid replaced anyway 🙁
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