I . D. 10 . T , PROTOTYPE , Take 2
Posted by Joe Rooney on Sunday, January 31, 2016
Converted 770ci Engine to a Flathead with Secret Machining
Yeah say what?
So this Converted 770ci Engine to a Flathead with Secret Machining better be what we think it is. Yes BS that someone is real good at slinging, that for sure.

So from the get go as he is filling your head with terms that, well kind of remind you of a old school Ford Flathead Racer?

As the machinist says he will be getting rid of the valve train so he can get rid of all that friction and gain all those RPM’s that way…seriously!

So this Einstein like genius seems to imagine he made a new silicon sealant that he named swaddle that is self sealing along with being a lubricant? Also since the valve train is eliminated the engine will only need a Quart and Half of oil now freeing up so much Horsepower!

This way the crank shaft counterweights will not have to fight throw all that extra oil that he has eliminated. So this was you gain that much more Horse Power yet again!
Then he uses Doogie Houser Heads of some sorts?
Also ever 100 pounds will gain you a half of a second according to this secret engine builder. Then Dual Stromboli Carburetors on his Footon intake manifold. The custom carbs normally flow 150 seafoams but, are now 780 seafoams a piece that adds up to over 2000!
Then the intake manifolds are made out of Fantonight that is super light again increasong the power. Did I mention he was going to put a 3 Carburetor manifold on top of the 2 Carburetor manifold giving him 5 to make it that much more?
Then he is going to use a custom DWI ignition that he is either going to split and fold to double the RPMs and double to HP or add 2 and stack them to do the same?!
Ah just watch the video and figure it out for yourselves 🙄