CraigsList Low Mile Mark VIII
Sweet find
CraigsList Low Mile Mark VIII is a pretty rare find. Not sure if you will find one this clean with miles this low anytime again soon but, not quite the color I’m looking for.

The interior matches my Mark VIII at present however and that I like.
Well aside from the interior being mint along with the body being very clean even though I never had a car this color before.

Also this car seems to have a functioning Air Ride. This is a good and bad thing at the same time. By now the air ride bags are going to be getting a bit dry rotted 🙁
They are available still believe it or not as I have a very low mile set for sale. However, the air compressor may or may not have much life left in it even though it does not have a lot of miles on it. Depends on the climate that it has been sitting in if it has any moisture or rust inside it’s pump?
The Craigslist ad states-“for sale we have a one of a kind ultra low mile 1998 lincoln mark V111 LSC 2-door coupe. 2 owner car with 27,260 act. miles. whitch has had a vortex super charger ,shift kit and tuners ,and a 373 traction lok rear end racing fuel pump. 17in cobra R repica wheels n dunlop tires. this is a very very top shelf show quallity and collectable car. it has a dyno sheet with 350 hp at the rear. and is as luxurious as a new linc of today. no no let downs a must see investment at $9850.00 so call now 651-705-6169”
I do like the aftermarket rims that this car has installed and would like to get a chrome set like this for my Mark as mine are Powdercoated and don’t look this good 🙁