Craigslist Space shuttle mover for cheap or barter
Claims to be real
Craigslist Space shuttle mover for cheap or barter for early Bronco parts is the actual complete listing. So why would they let a Bronco driver near this thing is the question?

Seriously though what the heck? This has got to be a joke doesn’t it? I mean you can get stuff surplus for dirt money but, this is ridiculous!

OK the Space Shuttle program is now terminated. We all know this but, don’t you think that they would retrofit this unit to carry other space related equipment instead of letting it go to surplus, Craigslist and possibly scrap?!

Heck if this was anywhere near me mind you and this is just a if I won the lottery kinda deal. I would buy a ton of land in Forked River and put my home on this thing. Then I could move my house all over my 1000 or so acres of property 🙂
Think about it, you could move your house around the property depending on the season and stuff. Be even better if you can get Shore front property? Then you could drive your home to the beachfront and wake up to the crashing surf!
Winter comes or any of the Squalls in the weather for cast? OK just drive you house inland a bit no problem!
That seems like to much for ya?
Then what else would you propose to do with something like this? Scrap is down so you wouldn’t get enough back on it to make it worth trying to make money on it. Seeing as how nobody besides a Government is gonna have to the money for a space program needing something like this, then the resale value is kinda nil?
Come on is anybody out there with some old Bronco parts even gonna want to bother making a trade for this?
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