Eldorado 500 engine out of deep storage
Some Blue Language getting Caddy engine out!
This Eldorado 500 engine out of deep storage is pretty much a find these days. They used to be dime a dozen back in the day but, now good luck finding one in the High Gas price days 🙁

So how do you find a Eldorado 500 engine out of deep storage these days then 😕 Well it seem to have come with another Cadillac at some point that was sold off to someone else.
It seemed to be a very solid looking engine while it was being removed from the rack bed where it sat for a year or so? From what I was told is that this engine was removed from a Cadillac Eldorado and was freshened up with new freeze out plugs among other things. Then for some reason they were not able to figure out how to put the engine into the car because they couldn’t figure it out, or something to that extent?

Pretty sad that they can go as far as to remove the engine from a car. Not just any car but, a Eldorado that had a transaxle and was front wheel drive to boot! Then freshen up the engine and not be able to figure out how to put it back into the car they took it out of 🙁
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