Impala Collection Sale

Wish it was closer to me!

Huge Impala Collection Sale in Texas is a bit of a dream find for an Impala lover. Or the fabled 1959 Elcamino that is one of my faves!

It would seem that someone named Steve started to collecting Impalas and other Chevrolets from 1955 up!

55 in Collection
55 in Collection
58 Brookwood
58 Brookwood

From the Craigslist Add it would seem that he started the collection in 1987 and continued till now.

Pretty much my favorite being the ’59 ElCamino is there and would be the first I would be looking at. Claims the Impalas are all for sale for $2500 a piece from what I can figure from the add?
My Favorites
My Favorites
That would be a killer deal as far as I am concerned. At least around be it would be with prices like that. If I had the money and room I would snap up the ’55 Chevy along with a Brookwood wagon or two?
'59 Wagon Rear
’59 Wagon Rear
Seats not bad
Seats not bad
Although they all seem to be in need of a complete frame off restoration to some extent? Meaning that it’s out of my ball park at this point in time. I could possibly tackle one or so but, that about covers it for me.
Plenty of 59's
Plenty of 59’s

More 59's
More 59’s
Someone with some cash could snap up a bunch of the Impalas and possibly sell them off for a profit. However that is beyond my capabilities where I am located at both financially and room wise.
I would then have to start a Web Site listing all the Impalas and what was the condition of each one. Possibly even part some of the worse case ones out for parts. Hate to do that but, at some point if the car is not worth saving at least it’s parts can be put to use.

Better than scrapping them because they will never be made again along with a lot of hard to find pieces.

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