McCormick-Deering in need of some TLC
McCormick-Deering in need of some TLC

As I said this McCormick-Deering in need of some TLC and maybe a set of front tires to get it good as new 🙂
No but seriously I have seen this semi Iron Cleat Tractor not far from my house for decades sitting there as Farm Art as far I as I can tell. There are a few around me with one being much larger than this one and of unknown manufacture as I have never gone up to see it closely. I know quite a few years ago the Farm was up for sale and the tractor also had a for sale sign on it. However it never sold so it still sits out in front of that farm too.
I have a soft spot for old Iron Cleat Tractors like this. You have to sit and think about the farmer sitting on this old cantankerous (yes I used the word cantankerous and according to spell check it’s a real word 😯 ) tractor like this slowly plowing the fields. Then you have to wonder how much mechanical knowledge the famers had back then too. These things were new fangled things you would think. I wonder where there was even a McCormick-Deering franchise around my parts :?.

I was even looking for the model of this tractor online but, I could not seem to find one like this model. It has Iron or Steel rear wheels but it seemed to have rusted rubber tire rims on the front. They are all rotted away now but, obviously had tires on them at one point. When Googling McCormick-Deering I was able to find a small picture of a tractor with rubber front tires and steel back ones. However when I clicked the picture it just took me to a link for an old tractor calendar 🙁 I would most likely have to go to a library or really start digging into some tractor sights to figure out the model and specs of this tractor..
Aside from that you would most likely need a can of Kroil and some starter fluid to get this puppy up and running don’t ya think 😛
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