Real Sadly Forgotten Cars

Real Sadly Forgotten Cars

Forgotten Cars

Well this has got to be one of the odder groups of Real Sadly Forgotten Cars cars I have yet to see. Yeah it’s a slideshow so most likely the cars were not all in one place but, still how can they get this bad 😕

I mean some of the cars like the Rambler is so far gone as to not even be funny. It makes you wonder if most of these cars are at a tropical island or something like that? The amount of mold and stuff on half of these cars is almost to not even be imaginable. How do I know such information like that. Well I’ll tell you then, I used to haunt a junkyard named Kobers on top of a mountain.

This junk yard was so large that it wound up being in 3 different towns. It was big and if you where to walk it, it would take you the better part of a weekend. That was just fir the upper part of the yard too. Then there was the lower part that stretched into the woods, deep into the woods. There was actually an ’49 or ’50 Merc convertible hanging in a tree!

Loads of old Studebakers and Nash’s down the woods where they had sat for decades. Even a Hard Rubber tired chain drive Mack Truck that may have been a flatbed of Dump Truck at one point in it’s life 😕 Anyway you want to look at it these cars and trucks have been sitting there so long that it wasn’t even funny! However, with them all sitting in the woods under trees and some sitting in creeks. The cars in the creeks were half buried up to the windows yet none of them had the amount of moss and stuff the cars in this video have 😯 Why I have to wonder where the location of a bunch of these cars is?
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