Ricky Bobby Chevelle Find!
Is this Ricky Bobby’s dads car or what?
So do you think this is the Ricky Bobby Chevelle Find or what? I mean cars like this wind up stored in back yards after they are put away and forgotten 🙁
As Ricky Bobby’s dad says if your not first your last right? Well OK if you are sober than you could be second or third place ya know?

Yeah I’ll tell you this is the Will Ferrell movie that really got me going. I could watch this movie over and over again every day it’s so good 😛 I recommended a NASCAR fan watch it and he got upset because he thought it was a documentary 🙄
So since most people actually know it’s a movie and about how funny it is how many of you actually went out there with the “Shake and Bake” saying? I was hitting people up with that for the longest time afterwards.
Now on to if this is the actual Ricky Bobby movie car or not? Well believe it or not even with how badly this car rotted away and is beyond repair looking, it sold in less than a month! Did it sell because of it’s celebrity status or what? Heck I had a Chevelle like this year back in High School. Of course the tires that said “Mud and Snow” let me spin off the highway and meet the guard rail 🙁

The the cop that showed up was yelling at me for not having snow tires on the car. I argued that the tires said Mud/Snow rated on the side walls but, of course he said it doesn’t matter what the tires said. It matters what he said and those aren’t snow tires as far as I’m concerned. So WTH, the tires say Mud and Snow but, it all comes down to what he thinks it is…yeah we all know how that feels right 👿
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