RR Engines A Unit Rusted B Unit

Railroad Engine beyond restoration

Came across these RR Engines A Unit Rusted B Unit quite a few years ago at a museum yard. Wish I could remember more about them but a Laptop crashed and took a lot of the information about them with it.

Rusted A unit Visible B unit
Rusted A unit Visible B unit

Aside from that there is a ton of obvious details that can be seen by those that have knowledge about these units.

A Unit of Diesel Gen Set
A Unit of Diesel Gen Set

The A unit is very rusty and I wish I could have been able to get into the cab to view the condition of the controls. That way I could see how bad the interior had become as compared to the exterior. That and to just see the controls up close as you do not get to see that often anyway.


Visible Diesel B Unit
Visible Diesel B Unit
Then there is the B unit that is obviously very rusty in comparison to the A unit. The B unit is now close to one of the models that you used to be able to build as a child. It’s a Visible unit now with the side missing from either rot or having been removed at some point? You can not not only see the Diesel’s Supercharger unit along with the complete side of the engine.
B Unit Diesel
B Unit Diesel
Generator Unit
Generator Unit
You can also so the Gen Set that you would almost think would have been a lot larger than it is.
Supercharger B Unit
Supercharger B Unit
Air Compressor B unit
Air Compressor B unit
Aside from that you can see the air compressor system for operating the braking system. It’s not often that you are able to see the entire inside workings of an older Diesel B unit like this. I also was able to see a restored diesel engine just like this in one of the museum buildings so I could stand next to the Superchargers to get a feeling of the size of the units. They are not a small as they seem when you are able to stand next to one close up 😯
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