Semi Unicorn VW Squareback
Craigslist find for sale
So I just found a Semi Unicorn VW Squareback for sale on Craigslist! Not only that but, it seems to have been for sale on there for quite a long time to me?

According to the listing this is what the Volkswagens issues are…
[Up for sale is a 1972 , fuel injected VW squareback I purchased as a non-running project. Body has dings, rust noted to battery tray and 1 spot on driver’s side rocker, and it appears the rear-driver’s side quarter panel was hit sometime in the past.]

He seems to have done a few fixes so far…
[what I’ve replaced:
New fuel injection line and fuel injection rated clamps from gas tank to engine.
New vacuum lines throughout. (this ended up being why the car wouldn’t start when first purchased.) New spark plugs, spark plug cables, distributor cap/rotor and points- all adjusted.
New ECU unit for FI, with spare.
Replaced new gasket to oil sump plate, and have done oil change.
I replaced front and bench seats since buying vehicle, and have most panels for interior for restoration.]
Now for the bad bits…
faulty wiring causing fuse to be blown when headlight is turned on.
Missing e-brake handle and front seat belts (rears should be replaced), and front turn signal lenses. Ignition switch sticks at times.
Newer fuel injectors should be purchased in near future. (ones I have work at start up but do leak despite new o-rings.
Will need new throw out bearing- (just discovered this as I was trying to sell earlier). As it sits, car does run..but will not engage into gear when running.
Reason I’m selling: too many projects, too little time. I really do enjoy these hard to find VW’s, and have learned plenty about them, just don’t have the time to dedicate to a complete restoration. I have about $1500 into this vehicle- but am no longer dedicated to finish it. Asking price dropped to $950 obo as of 9/23, I know I’m taking a sizable loss from when I purchased it, my loss, your gain. CLEAN TITLE. If interested, bring a trailer, I also have spare parts to go with it. Need gone by Friday.)]
Wish it wasn’t so far away from me or I would most likely pick this up as I have been wanting one of these for a long long time!