What is a Mercedes SL worth
Seem to have made a bit of money?

When I first saw this I thought What is a Mercedes SL worth? I heard a ton of stuff from people about this particular model of Mercedes being a car that would last forever and had all of this power.

Well I ended up owning one of them and let me tell you it’s not true 🙁

The Black one was given to us as the owner wanted it off the property. It obviously had some body work issues with a load of Bondo having been used to fix a quarter panel at one point in it’s life. Used incorrectly as you can obviously see too with the amount used. The car was eventually scrapped with the rims that I told them to save as they were the only thing worth money on it.

The Blue SL was a 450 series that a member of the family purchased even after I told them not to 😯 It wound up having running issues in colder weather as usual. Of course nobody knows how to work on this models fuel injection anymore as most of the mechanics that worked on these are long since retired or have passed away.

So after sitting for a few years in a garage the Blue SL became mine. I tried in vain to get the car to run correctly and somehow it did after a new tank of fuel. However the cars performance was not up to snuff as far as I was concerned and basically drove like it looks. Guess I’m spoiled by driving a Mark VIII or something cause the Mercedes just wasn’t my cup of tea. It took over 2 years of listing it to finally sell it as it brought out all kinds of people to see it. Mostly “Low Ballers” of course offering $1500 or crap like that but, eventually it sold to a Mercedes fan that was going to daily drive it.

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