Craigslist 80G Mustang GT

Wasn’t listed as a 80G car but…

So this Craigslist 80G Mustang GT needs some explanation cause I sure didn’t see $50 worth of car. It was listed on Craigslist at 5 am and then we were sent to go buy the car for $2000.

Craigslist Mustang
Almost best pic

We got there about a half hour before we said we would as traffic was much less than we anticipated. It was still a drive for us to get there however. It was located way off the road with a lot of other vehicles at what I was told was a private collection with this Mustang being sold as a parts car.

Ford parts car
Parts Stang

We read that it was a ’68 Mustang GT with original 302 and all parts there for $2000. While it looked rough in the pics on Craigslist, it also looked solid enough to be worth it. Well thats until we got there and got a good look at it.

Mustang GT
Interior is shot

From the passenger side it almost looked savable and the doors did open and shut without any sagging. However the dashboard was so shot that the Vin number desintigrated to the point that we could not check to see if it was a real GT. Also when we went to open the hood (that did not want to open) we saw that the front inner fender support was ripped off of the firewall. Meaning we would not be able to pull the car up onto the trailer without it ripping in half while doing so.

Replacement Fender
Bad Quarter Fix

Then while walking around the car to look for other clues we saw the replacement quarter panels had been welded on over the crushed one 🙄 Then the seller told us that he had the other quarter to go along with the car but, that wasn’t mattering much to us at this point. It also had 3 gas caps in the car with one being a GT cap and the others being plain ones.

Mustang Back
Rear GT Car
Torn and rusted
Inner Fender

The carburator wasn’t a Mustang GT piece either looking more like it came from a Lincoln 😕

302 GT Ford
Not a GT Carb

The one seller was getting aggravated as we were picking out problems with the car and he started saying this would be a 80,000 dollar Mustang if you restored it! If it was a big block maybe it would get a bit higher in price or a Shelby but, no way is anyone paying 80G’s for a 302 Mustang GT 🙁

Rusted to death
More of 80G GT
Totalled Mustang
A bit rusted
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